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Тренболон. Ломаем стереотипы


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Если вам интересна эта тема запаситесь терпением и дочитайте до конца.

Итак, статья про тренболон, точнее как применяют его на курсах западные атлеты.

Это перевод  поста с forum.steroid.com написанного пользователем Atomini(Canada).


Все написанное ниже практикуется за пределами России уже давно, как известно к нам все приходит с большим опозданием.

Переводили статью братья по железу из Украины, я лишь кое где вставлял свои комментарии.


Ну вот и сама статья:

«В последнее время я замечаю много тем с вопросами о Тренболоне. Каждый день мы видим более 4 постов на эту тему. Я решил, что нам нужна одна хорошая тема о Трене как для новичков, так и для опытных людей, которая была бы единым источником информации о нем, объединяла все что уже было сказано.

Я просто обожаю Трен и использую его уже целых 5 лет. Тестостерон и Тренболон- единственные ААС, которыми я пользуюсь, и которыми когда либо буду пользоваться. Так что, я считаю, что должен поделиться своим опытом и знаниями, чтобы ответить на вопросы других.

Эта тема не конкретно о стероидном профиле Тренболона, она больше про то, как его правильно использовать в реальном мире, на практике, и что от этого ожидать, а также как сделать его разносторонним препаратом.

Я знаю, что на первый взгляд Трен всех просто-напросто пугает (со мной было то же самое, когда я впервые про него прочитал), но опять же, не все ли в мире стероидов сначала вас пугало?

Как я уже писал, я стабильно использую Трен на протяжении 5 лет, на каждом курсе. Кажется, я его попробовал на своем третьем или четвертом курсе и сразу же стал от него буквально зависимым. Это, на самом деле, чудесный препарат, мой любимый. Все остальные препараты кроме теста (прима, анавар, дека, болд, туринабол и ОСОБЕННО винни, как и любой другой стероид) лично для меня – бесполезная куча дерьма. Единственным исключением является разве что Мастерон (Дростанолон), но на этом все.

На данный момент я ставлю 800мг Тренболона Ацетата в неделю, но мне кажется это будет первый и последний раз когда дозировка настолько высокая. Я не думаю, что есть надобность ставить такие большие дозировки «витаминов», особенно Трена, если вы не выступаете, а занимаетесь этим делом чисто для себя. Объясню более детально ниже.

Тренболон - особенный и разносторонний препарат, который можно использовать как для сушки, так и при наборе массы. Почему-то все на протяжении долгих лет повторяли как попугаи одно и то же – якобы Трен подходит только для сушки, и т.д. Это просто бред, если кто-то вам говорит такое – они не полностью осознают возможности этого препарата. Что вам следует запомнить, это то, что Тренболон ОЧЕНЬ мощный препарат (в 5 раз мощнее тестостерона), это один из сильнейших доступных нам анаболических стероидов. Анаболический индекс Тренболона – 500. Для сравнения, скажу, что анаболический индекс тестостерона – 100 (тестостерон это своего рода основа, стандарт, по которому определяют мощность всех остальных стероидов; это «оригинальный» анаболический стероид из которого получают все остальные). Это значит, что для того чтоб получить такой же эффект как от 500 мг Тренболона вам понадобится 2,5 грамма тестостерона(!!!). Чтоб получить тот же эффект от 1 грамма Трена вам понадобится 5 грамм тестостерона, и так далее. УЛАВЛИВАЕТЕ МЫСЛЬ?

Из этого всего, можно понять, что нет никакой надобности ставить Трен в больших дозировках (особенно если вы его используете впервые), и причина, по которой люди говорят, к примеру «будь осторожен, многие не могут вытерпеть побочные эффекты» в том , что они используют неоправданно большие дозировки Трена. Они воспринимают его как тест или какой то другой препарат послабее. Тренболон - это уже совсем другой уровень и это нужно осознать!

Дело в том, что люди берут цифры непонятно откуда когда речь идет о дозировках. Почему говорят что нужно использовать именно 500 мг теста? Почему 400 мг Трена? Почему 300 мг того и 250 мг этого? Почему? Потому что они не знают. В большинстве случаев эти цифры придумываются от фонаря. Что я предлагаю это хорошо проанализировать характеристики и статистику конкретного препарата (в этом случае мы говорим о Тренболоне) и судя из этого уже составлять курс, и подбирать дозировки. Нет абсолютно никакой причины использовать, скажем, 500 мг Трена при первом знакомстве с ним. Причина почему я рекомендую намного меньшую дозировку в том, как раз в упомянутых в предыдущем абзаце характеристиках Тренболона (анаболический индекс в 5 раз больше тестостерона). Очевидно, что его будет нужно совсем немного для того чтобы добиться существенных изменений в телосложении.

На первом курсе с Тренболоном человек должен получить отличный результат от 100 мг тестостерона пропионата и 250 мг Тренболона Ацетата в неделю (помните, что понадобилось бы 1,25г. тестостерона для того чтоб добиться тех результатов которые дадут 250 мг Трена).

Господи, да 300-400 мг Трена дают просто отличнейший результат при этом с минимальными побочными эффектами. И вообще, нет никакой причины увеличивать дозировку Трена с каждым своим курсом. Например, если вы ставите по 250 мг когда впервые его используете, то не нужно думать что вам понадобится уже 500 мг на следующем курсе, 750 мг на третий раз и так далее. Это просто глупость. Помните, что этот чудесный препарат настолько силён, что вам не нужно использовать огромные дозировки чтобы увидеть результат, а чем меньше дозировка тем меньше будет ненужных побочек. Больше не значит лучше. Это мое личное отношение и правило для Трена.

Теперь немного теории. Тренболон относится к классу 19-нор стероидов (вместе с нандролоном - дека). Это значит, что он является прогестином и не способен ни ароматизироваться в эстрадиол, ни конвертироваться в ДГТ. Что это значит? Нет никакого «залива» и давления из-за него, нет риска получить эстрогеновое гино. От Трена можете ожидать очень чистой и качественной прибавки в мышечной массе. С хорошей диетой в сочетании с Тренболоном вы будете видеть изменения в своем теле буквально каждую неделю. К сожалению то, что он 19-нор прогестин тоже может привести к нежелательным побочным эффектам.


Для начала давайте же разберемся, что такое прогестин (или же прогестоген). Прогестин это производная стероидного гормона прогестерона и поэтому он имеет прогестероновое воздействие на организм. Это так же, как и с производными стероидами от ДГТ, они проявляют сильные побочные эффекты дигидротестостерона. Прогестерон- это гормон, который участвует в женском менструальном цикле и беременности и это не то что должно присутствовать в организме мужчины. Одна из задач прогестерона- давать сигналы гипофизу для выработки гормона под названием пролактин. Пролактин- это еще один гормон который участвует в женской беременности, он связывается с рецепторами молочных желез для того чтоб начиналась лактация. В этом и заключается несколько проблем для мужчин ,что приводит к побочным эффектам, которые называют «прогестероновые».


Первый типичный побочный эффект это «Трен-дик». Проще говоря это эректильная дисфункция, вызванная употреблением Тренболона из-за его прогестеронового воздействия, и ,как результат – выработкой пролактина. Пролактин ОЧЕНЬ сильно снижает либидо. Связанные с этим побочные эффекты включают в себя аноргазмию (неспособность достичь оргазма), что опять же является результатом повышенного пролактина в организме..

Еще один побочный эффект- это гинекомастия. Да, есть риск получить гино при использовании Тренболона, хоть он и не ароматизируется. Опять же, все это из-за пролактина. Кроме того, что пролактин может вызвать лактацию он так же может вызвать разрастание грудной железы и увеличение самого соска в размерах. Это и называется «пролактиновым гино».

Так что для того чтоб убрать эти побочные эффекты я настоятельно рекомендую использовать антагонист пролактина на курсе с Треном.

Один из трех: каберголин (На нашем рынке- Достинекс, мой любимый, постоянно его использую), Прамипексол (Мирапекс, новый антагонист пролактина на рынке) и Бромокриптин (худший и устаревший вариант). Витамин Б6 тоже демонстрирует хорошие антипролактиновые качества. Также известно, что можно контролировать риск возникновения пролактинового гино, контролируя уровень эстрогенов, держа его на низком уровне. Это частично правда, потому- что эстрогены способствуют апрегуляции прогестероновых рецепторов в молочных железах (проще говоря, это делает рецепторы более восприимчивыми к прогестерону). Как результат очень возможно, что высокий уровень эстрогенов может апрегулировать прогестероновые рецепторы настолько сильно, что даже небольшое количество пролактина может привести к пролактиновому гино. Лично мое предпочтение: приём каберголина (или же другого антагониста пролактина) в любом случае. Хоть вы, возможно, и сможете предотвратить пролактиновое гино, контролируя уровень эстрогенов, но выработка пролактина гипофизом все равно не прекратится, риск все равно будет. Использование хорошего антагониста пролактина типа Прамипексола или Каберголина исключит возможность пролактиновых проблем полностью, путем действия через допаминовые рецепторы.» ©️

Ещё раз напоминаю, это перевод источник: forum.steroid.com.

От себя хочу добавить при применении тренболона (ацетат) всегда стоит администрировать пролактин, я применял Кабергалин по 0,25 раз в 10 дней. Это не панацея, у меня организм прогестины переваривает очень хорошо, по этому рекомендую обязательно сдавать анализы на пролактин и исходя из этого подбирать дозировки. 

Собственно хотел обсудить с вами данную схему приема, знаю у нас есть уже кто практикует такое сочетание, как раз интересно его мнение.



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Former Brazilian soccer player Robinho arrested after failed appeal
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Former Brazilian footballer Robson de Souza – also known as Robinho – was arrested by Federal Police on Thursday in Santos, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, his lawyer told CNN affiliate CNN Brasil, as police cars were seen leaving his residence in Santos.

The 40-year-old former AC Milan and Brazil striker faces nine years in prison after being convicted in Italy for gang raping a woman with five other men in 2013 after plying her with alcohol in a Milan nightclub.

Robinho’s arrest comes as Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF) denied his appeal on Thursday to remain out of custody while all judicial appeals against his conviction are exhausted and ordered for the “immediate” start of his prison sentence, according to a statement from the STF.
The footballer’s defense team had appealed to Brazilian authorities to allow Robinho to serve his jail time in Italy, rather than Brazil and to remain free while all appeal proceedings are ongoing, according to the STF decision.

Robinho has always denied the charges.

Following Thursday’s arrest Robinho is expected to face a custody hearing on Friday before being sent to a detention facility to being his prison sentence according to CNN Brasil.

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On betting’s biggest day, a new scandal puts the sports world on edge
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As millions of Americans raced to fill out brackets and place wagers on teenage basketball players Thursday, another scandal amplified calls for the country’s booming sports-betting industry to be restrained - and reformed.

The Los Angeles Dodgers fired Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter Wednesday night, after the translator told ESPN that Ohtani paid off the interpreter’s offshore gambling debts and as Ohtani’s lawyer told another story, accusing the translator of stealing roughly $4.5 million.

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While fans sorted through the ramifications and Ohtani played on in the Dodgers’ season-opening series in Seoul, experts and amateurs alike joined office pools and placed wagers on the first round of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, the country’s closest thing to an official sports betting holiday.

Players, leagues and fans have been reckoning with the still-unfolding effects of sports gambling since a Supreme Court ruling handed the question of legalization to states in 2018. Each constituency may be arriving at the realization those impacts have mushroomed beyond anyone’s control.

“The amount of money is so enormous that it is almost impossible to attack the problem,” former MLB commissioner Fay Vincent said in a phone interview Thursday. “Theoretically, there’s nothing wrong with an adult who has control of his brain and control of his financial situation betting on sports. The problem is, the sport itself gets so caught up in the amount of money that I don’t know how a professional sport or the NCAA or anybody - how do you draw up a code of conduct for an individual? What’s the line? When do we start admitting this is a really big problem?”

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Nike inflicts huge home defeat on Adidas by nabbing German soccer team kit deal
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Things have gone from bad to worse for Adidas. After a costly break-up with US rapper Ye that helped push the German sportswear giant into a rare loss last year, it’s now suffered a bruising defeat on home turf.

The German Football Association (DFB) announced Thursday that the company’s arch rival Nike (NKE) will be the official kit supplier for national soccer teams from 2027 until 2?034. The decision brings to an abrupt end more than seven decades of the sport’s partnership with Adidas that spanned four World Cup wins for the men’s team.

In a statement, DFB President Bernd Neuendorf said German football owed “a great deal” to the partnership with Adidas and that the association was “fully committed” to achieving further joint success through the end of 2026, when their contract expires.
The DFB said Nike had made “by far the best financial offer” and impressed with its vision for developing women’s football, and amateur and grassroots sport in Germany. It did not say how much the new deal was worth.

An Adidas spokesperson said in a statement that “we were informed by the DFB yesterday that the federation will have a new supplier from 2027 onwards.”

Germany will be the host for the Euro 2024 men’s championship, taking place this June and July. Adidas will supply the kits for seven national teams, including the German, Italian and Spanish teams.

In just under three years’ time, however, fans will see Nike’s trademark ticks, not the three stripes of Adidas, on the shirts of Germany’s national teams. German economy minister Robert Habeck reportedly told local news agency DPA Friday that he could “hardly imagine” the prospect.

The partnership between Adidas and German football was a “piece of German identity,” he was reported as saying. “I would have liked a bit more local patriotism.”

Adidas was founded in 1949 in Herzogenaurach, a small town outside Nuremberg in south-east Germany, the same year it registered its now-iconic three-stripe logo.

DFB’s announcement comes at a bad time for Adidas, which last week posted a net loss of €58 million ($63 million) in its core business for 2023, citing a slowdown in sales of its Yeezy-branded clothing and sneakers, and a large tax burden.

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On betting’s biggest day, a new scandal puts the sports world on edge
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As millions of Americans raced to fill out brackets and place wagers on teenage basketball players Thursday, another scandal amplified calls for the country’s booming sports-betting industry to be restrained - and reformed.

The Los Angeles Dodgers fired Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter Wednesday night, after the translator told ESPN that Ohtani paid off the interpreter’s offshore gambling debts and as Ohtani’s lawyer told another story, accusing the translator of stealing roughly $4.5 million.

Subscribe to The Post Most newsletter for the most important and interesting stories from The Washington Post.

While fans sorted through the ramifications and Ohtani played on in the Dodgers’ season-opening series in Seoul, experts and amateurs alike joined office pools and placed wagers on the first round of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, the country’s closest thing to an official sports betting holiday.

Players, leagues and fans have been reckoning with the still-unfolding effects of sports gambling since a Supreme Court ruling handed the question of legalization to states in 2018. Each constituency may be arriving at the realization those impacts have mushroomed beyond anyone’s control.

“The amount of money is so enormous that it is almost impossible to attack the problem,” former MLB commissioner Fay Vincent said in a phone interview Thursday. “Theoretically, there’s nothing wrong with an adult who has control of his brain and control of his financial situation betting on sports. The problem is, the sport itself gets so caught up in the amount of money that I don’t know how a professional sport or the NCAA or anybody - how do you draw up a code of conduct for an individual? What’s the line? When do we start admitting this is a really big problem?”

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Nike inflicts huge home defeat on Adidas by nabbing German soccer team kit deal
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Things have gone from bad to worse for Adidas. After a costly break-up with US rapper Ye that helped push the German sportswear giant into a rare loss last year, it’s now suffered a bruising defeat on home turf.

The German Football Association (DFB) announced Thursday that the company’s arch rival Nike (NKE) will be the official kit supplier for national soccer teams from 2027 until 2?034. The decision brings to an abrupt end more than seven decades of the sport’s partnership with Adidas that spanned four World Cup wins for the men’s team.

In a statement, DFB President Bernd Neuendorf said German football owed “a great deal” to the partnership with Adidas and that the association was “fully committed” to achieving further joint success through the end of 2026, when their contract expires.
The DFB said Nike had made “by far the best financial offer” and impressed with its vision for developing women’s football, and amateur and grassroots sport in Germany. It did not say how much the new deal was worth.

An Adidas spokesperson said in a statement that “we were informed by the DFB yesterday that the federation will have a new supplier from 2027 onwards.”

Germany will be the host for the Euro 2024 men’s championship, taking place this June and July. Adidas will supply the kits for seven national teams, including the German, Italian and Spanish teams.

In just under three years’ time, however, fans will see Nike’s trademark ticks, not the three stripes of Adidas, on the shirts of Germany’s national teams. German economy minister Robert Habeck reportedly told local news agency DPA Friday that he could “hardly imagine” the prospect.

The partnership between Adidas and German football was a “piece of German identity,” he was reported as saying. “I would have liked a bit more local patriotism.”

Adidas was founded in 1949 in Herzogenaurach, a small town outside Nuremberg in south-east Germany, the same year it registered its now-iconic three-stripe logo.

DFB’s announcement comes at a bad time for Adidas, which last week posted a net loss of €58 million ($63 million) in its core business for 2023, citing a slowdown in sales of its Yeezy-branded clothing and sneakers, and a large tax burden.

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Former Brazilian soccer player Robinho arrested after failed appeal
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Former Brazilian footballer Robson de Souza – also known as Robinho – was arrested by Federal Police on Thursday in Santos, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, his lawyer told CNN affiliate CNN Brasil, as police cars were seen leaving his residence in Santos.

The 40-year-old former AC Milan and Brazil striker faces nine years in prison after being convicted in Italy for gang raping a woman with five other men in 2013 after plying her with alcohol in a Milan nightclub.

Robinho’s arrest comes as Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF) denied his appeal on Thursday to remain out of custody while all judicial appeals against his conviction are exhausted and ordered for the “immediate” start of his prison sentence, according to a statement from the STF.
The footballer’s defense team had appealed to Brazilian authorities to allow Robinho to serve his jail time in Italy, rather than Brazil and to remain free while all appeal proceedings are ongoing, according to the STF decision.

Robinho has always denied the charges.

Following Thursday’s arrest Robinho is expected to face a custody hearing on Friday before being sent to a detention facility to being his prison sentence according to CNN Brasil.

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A high-altitude tunnel is latest flashpoint in India-China border tensions

A tunnel constructed high in the mountains of northeastern India has become the latest flashpoint in a simmering border dispute between New Delhi and Beijing.

The Sela Tunnel, inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month, has been hailed in India as a feat of engineering – blasted through the Himalayas at an elevation of some 13,000 feet (3,900 meters) – and a boon for the military, enabling faster, “all-weather” access to a tense de facto border with China.

That’s caught the attention of Beijing, whose long-running dispute with New Delhi over their contested 2,100-mile (3,379-kilometer) border has seen the two nuclear-armed powers clash in recent years.

That includes in 2020 when hand-to-hand fighting between the two sides resulted in the deaths of at least 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers in Aksai Chin-Ladakh in the western stretches of the border.

And, decades ago, the dispute led to war.

China also claims the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, where the tunnel was constructed, as its own, even as the area has long functioned as Indian territory.

Chinese officials in recent days have slammed the tunnel project and Modi’s visit to the state, accusing New Delhi of taking steps to undermine peace along the border.

“We require the Indian side to cease any action that may complicate the boundary question … the Chinese military remains highly vigilant and will resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” a Defense Ministry spokesperson said last week, using the Chinese name “Zangnan” or South Tibet to refer to Arunachal Pradesh.

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Former Brazilian soccer player Robinho arrested after failed appeal
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Former Brazilian footballer Robson de Souza – also known as Robinho – was arrested by Federal Police on Thursday in Santos, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, his lawyer told CNN affiliate CNN Brasil, as police cars were seen leaving his residence in Santos.

The 40-year-old former AC Milan and Brazil striker faces nine years in prison after being convicted in Italy for gang raping a woman with five other men in 2013 after plying her with alcohol in a Milan nightclub.

Robinho’s arrest comes as Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF) denied his appeal on Thursday to remain out of custody while all judicial appeals against his conviction are exhausted and ordered for the “immediate” start of his prison sentence, according to a statement from the STF.
The footballer’s defense team had appealed to Brazilian authorities to allow Robinho to serve his jail time in Italy, rather than Brazil and to remain free while all appeal proceedings are ongoing, according to the STF decision.

Robinho has always denied the charges.

Following Thursday’s arrest Robinho is expected to face a custody hearing on Friday before being sent to a detention facility to being his prison sentence according to CNN Brasil.

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Emily Ratajkowski’s latest flex? Divorce rings

Diamonds are forever – especially for Emily Ratajkowski, who has chosen to turn her engagement ring into something entirely new following her split from her film producer husband, Sebastian Bear-McClard.

With the help of Alison Chemla, creative director of jewelry brand Alison Lou, Ratajkowski worked to remake her old engagement ring, which featured a pear-shaped and a princess-cut diamond, into two separate rings.
“The rings represent my own personal evolution,” the model told Vogue. “I don’t think a woman should be stripped of her diamonds just because she’s losing a man.”

Now, the pear-shaped diamond sits on Ratajkowski’s pinkie finger, while the princess cut has been flanked by more trapezoid stones and turned into a new sparkler.

Ratajkowski went on to explain that she got the idea after reading Stephanie Danler’s story “The Unravelers” in The Paris Review.

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Emily Ratajkowski’s latest flex? Divorce rings
обменник криптовалют

Diamonds are forever – especially for Emily Ratajkowski, who has chosen to turn her engagement ring into something entirely new following her split from her film producer husband, Sebastian Bear-McClard.

With the help of Alison Chemla, creative director of jewelry brand Alison Lou, Ratajkowski worked to remake her old engagement ring, which featured a pear-shaped and a princess-cut diamond, into two separate rings.
“The rings represent my own personal evolution,” the model told Vogue. “I don’t think a woman should be stripped of her diamonds just because she’s losing a man.”

Now, the pear-shaped diamond sits on Ratajkowski’s pinkie finger, while the princess cut has been flanked by more trapezoid stones and turned into a new sparkler.

Ratajkowski went on to explain that she got the idea after reading Stephanie Danler’s story “The Unravelers” in The Paris Review.

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Гость Gregoryjexia


A high-altitude tunnel is latest flashpoint in India-China border tensions

A tunnel constructed high in the mountains of northeastern India has become the latest flashpoint in a simmering border dispute between New Delhi and Beijing.

The Sela Tunnel, inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month, has been hailed in India as a feat of engineering – blasted through the Himalayas at an elevation of some 13,000 feet (3,900 meters) – and a boon for the military, enabling faster, “all-weather” access to a tense de facto border with China.

That’s caught the attention of Beijing, whose long-running dispute with New Delhi over their contested 2,100-mile (3,379-kilometer) border has seen the two nuclear-armed powers clash in recent years.

That includes in 2020 when hand-to-hand fighting between the two sides resulted in the deaths of at least 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers in Aksai Chin-Ladakh in the western stretches of the border.

And, decades ago, the dispute led to war.

China also claims the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, where the tunnel was constructed, as its own, even as the area has long functioned as Indian territory.

Chinese officials in recent days have slammed the tunnel project and Modi’s visit to the state, accusing New Delhi of taking steps to undermine peace along the border.

“We require the Indian side to cease any action that may complicate the boundary question … the Chinese military remains highly vigilant and will resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” a Defense Ministry spokesperson said last week, using the Chinese name “Zangnan” or South Tibet to refer to Arunachal Pradesh.

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Гость Gregoryjexia


A high-altitude tunnel is latest flashpoint in India-China border tensions

A tunnel constructed high in the mountains of northeastern India has become the latest flashpoint in a simmering border dispute between New Delhi and Beijing.

The Sela Tunnel, inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month, has been hailed in India as a feat of engineering – blasted through the Himalayas at an elevation of some 13,000 feet (3,900 meters) – and a boon for the military, enabling faster, “all-weather” access to a tense de facto border with China.

That’s caught the attention of Beijing, whose long-running dispute with New Delhi over their contested 2,100-mile (3,379-kilometer) border has seen the two nuclear-armed powers clash in recent years.

That includes in 2020 when hand-to-hand fighting between the two sides resulted in the deaths of at least 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers in Aksai Chin-Ladakh in the western stretches of the border.

And, decades ago, the dispute led to war.

China also claims the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, where the tunnel was constructed, as its own, even as the area has long functioned as Indian territory.

Chinese officials in recent days have slammed the tunnel project and Modi’s visit to the state, accusing New Delhi of taking steps to undermine peace along the border.

“We require the Indian side to cease any action that may complicate the boundary question … the Chinese military remains highly vigilant and will resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” a Defense Ministry spokesperson said last week, using the Chinese name “Zangnan” or South Tibet to refer to Arunachal Pradesh.

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Nike inflicts huge home defeat on Adidas by nabbing German soccer team kit deal
Things have gone from bad to worse for Adidas. After a costly break-up with US rapper Ye that helped push the German sportswear giant into a rare loss last year, it’s now suffered a bruising defeat on home turf.

The German Football Association (DFB) announced Thursday that the company’s arch rival Nike (NKE) will be the official kit supplier for national soccer teams from 2027 until 2?034. The decision brings to an abrupt end more than seven decades of the sport’s partnership with Adidas that spanned four World Cup wins for the men’s team.

In a statement, DFB President Bernd Neuendorf said German football owed “a great deal” to the partnership with Adidas and that the association was “fully committed” to achieving further joint success through the end of 2026, when their contract expires.
The DFB said Nike had made “by far the best financial offer” and impressed with its vision for developing women’s football, and amateur and grassroots sport in Germany. It did not say how much the new deal was worth.

An Adidas spokesperson said in a statement that “we were informed by the DFB yesterday that the federation will have a new supplier from 2027 onwards.”

Germany will be the host for the Euro 2024 men’s championship, taking place this June and July. Adidas will supply the kits for seven national teams, including the German, Italian and Spanish teams.

In just under three years’ time, however, fans will see Nike’s trademark ticks, not the three stripes of Adidas, on the shirts of Germany’s national teams. German economy minister Robert Habeck reportedly told local news agency DPA Friday that he could “hardly imagine” the prospect.

The partnership between Adidas and German football was a “piece of German identity,” he was reported as saying. “I would have liked a bit more local patriotism.”

Adidas was founded in 1949 in Herzogenaurach, a small town outside Nuremberg in south-east Germany, the same year it registered its now-iconic three-stripe logo.

DFB’s announcement comes at a bad time for Adidas, which last week posted a net loss of €58 million ($63 million) in its core business for 2023, citing a slowdown in sales of its Yeezy-branded clothing and sneakers, and a large tax burden.

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Former Brazilian soccer player Robinho arrested after failed appeal
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Former Brazilian footballer Robson de Souza – also known as Robinho – was arrested by Federal Police on Thursday in Santos, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, his lawyer told CNN affiliate CNN Brasil, as police cars were seen leaving his residence in Santos.

The 40-year-old former AC Milan and Brazil striker faces nine years in prison after being convicted in Italy for gang raping a woman with five other men in 2013 after plying her with alcohol in a Milan nightclub.

Robinho’s arrest comes as Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF) denied his appeal on Thursday to remain out of custody while all judicial appeals against his conviction are exhausted and ordered for the “immediate” start of his prison sentence, according to a statement from the STF.
The footballer’s defense team had appealed to Brazilian authorities to allow Robinho to serve his jail time in Italy, rather than Brazil and to remain free while all appeal proceedings are ongoing, according to the STF decision.

Robinho has always denied the charges.

Following Thursday’s arrest Robinho is expected to face a custody hearing on Friday before being sent to a detention facility to being his prison sentence according to CNN Brasil.

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Nike inflicts huge home defeat on Adidas by nabbing German soccer team kit deal
cryptoboss casino
Things have gone from bad to worse for Adidas. After a costly break-up with US rapper Ye that helped push the German sportswear giant into a rare loss last year, it’s now suffered a bruising defeat on home turf.

The German Football Association (DFB) announced Thursday that the company’s arch rival Nike (NKE) will be the official kit supplier for national soccer teams from 2027 until 2?034. The decision brings to an abrupt end more than seven decades of the sport’s partnership with Adidas that spanned four World Cup wins for the men’s team.

In a statement, DFB President Bernd Neuendorf said German football owed “a great deal” to the partnership with Adidas and that the association was “fully committed” to achieving further joint success through the end of 2026, when their contract expires.
The DFB said Nike had made “by far the best financial offer” and impressed with its vision for developing women’s football, and amateur and grassroots sport in Germany. It did not say how much the new deal was worth.

An Adidas spokesperson said in a statement that “we were informed by the DFB yesterday that the federation will have a new supplier from 2027 onwards.”

Germany will be the host for the Euro 2024 men’s championship, taking place this June and July. Adidas will supply the kits for seven national teams, including the German, Italian and Spanish teams.

In just under three years’ time, however, fans will see Nike’s trademark ticks, not the three stripes of Adidas, on the shirts of Germany’s national teams. German economy minister Robert Habeck reportedly told local news agency DPA Friday that he could “hardly imagine” the prospect.

The partnership between Adidas and German football was a “piece of German identity,” he was reported as saying. “I would have liked a bit more local patriotism.”

Adidas was founded in 1949 in Herzogenaurach, a small town outside Nuremberg in south-east Germany, the same year it registered its now-iconic three-stripe logo.

DFB’s announcement comes at a bad time for Adidas, which last week posted a net loss of €58 million ($63 million) in its core business for 2023, citing a slowdown in sales of its Yeezy-branded clothing and sneakers, and a large tax burden.

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Former Brazilian soccer player Robinho arrested after failed appeal

Former Brazilian footballer Robson de Souza – also known as Robinho – was arrested by Federal Police on Thursday in Santos, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, his lawyer told CNN affiliate CNN Brasil, as police cars were seen leaving his residence in Santos.

The 40-year-old former AC Milan and Brazil striker faces nine years in prison after being convicted in Italy for gang raping a woman with five other men in 2013 after plying her with alcohol in a Milan nightclub.

Robinho’s arrest comes as Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF) denied his appeal on Thursday to remain out of custody while all judicial appeals against his conviction are exhausted and ordered for the “immediate” start of his prison sentence, according to a statement from the STF.
The footballer’s defense team had appealed to Brazilian authorities to allow Robinho to serve his jail time in Italy, rather than Brazil and to remain free while all appeal proceedings are ongoing, according to the STF decision.

Robinho has always denied the charges.

Following Thursday’s arrest Robinho is expected to face a custody hearing on Friday before being sent to a detention facility to being his prison sentence according to CNN Brasil.

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Former Brazilian soccer player Robinho arrested after failed appeal
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Former Brazilian footballer Robson de Souza – also known as Robinho – was arrested by Federal Police on Thursday in Santos, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, his lawyer told CNN affiliate CNN Brasil, as police cars were seen leaving his residence in Santos.

The 40-year-old former AC Milan and Brazil striker faces nine years in prison after being convicted in Italy for gang raping a woman with five other men in 2013 after plying her with alcohol in a Milan nightclub.

Robinho’s arrest comes as Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF) denied his appeal on Thursday to remain out of custody while all judicial appeals against his conviction are exhausted and ordered for the “immediate” start of his prison sentence, according to a statement from the STF.
The footballer’s defense team had appealed to Brazilian authorities to allow Robinho to serve his jail time in Italy, rather than Brazil and to remain free while all appeal proceedings are ongoing, according to the STF decision.

Robinho has always denied the charges.

Following Thursday’s arrest Robinho is expected to face a custody hearing on Friday before being sent to a detention facility to being his prison sentence according to CNN Brasil.

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On betting’s biggest day, a new scandal puts the sports world on edge
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As millions of Americans raced to fill out brackets and place wagers on teenage basketball players Thursday, another scandal amplified calls for the country’s booming sports-betting industry to be restrained - and reformed.

The Los Angeles Dodgers fired Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter Wednesday night, after the translator told ESPN that Ohtani paid off the interpreter’s offshore gambling debts and as Ohtani’s lawyer told another story, accusing the translator of stealing roughly $4.5 million.

Subscribe to The Post Most newsletter for the most important and interesting stories from The Washington Post.

While fans sorted through the ramifications and Ohtani played on in the Dodgers’ season-opening series in Seoul, experts and amateurs alike joined office pools and placed wagers on the first round of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, the country’s closest thing to an official sports betting holiday.

Players, leagues and fans have been reckoning with the still-unfolding effects of sports gambling since a Supreme Court ruling handed the question of legalization to states in 2018. Each constituency may be arriving at the realization those impacts have mushroomed beyond anyone’s control.

“The amount of money is so enormous that it is almost impossible to attack the problem,” former MLB commissioner Fay Vincent said in a phone interview Thursday. “Theoretically, there’s nothing wrong with an adult who has control of his brain and control of his financial situation betting on sports. The problem is, the sport itself gets so caught up in the amount of money that I don’t know how a professional sport or the NCAA or anybody - how do you draw up a code of conduct for an individual? What’s the line? When do we start admitting this is a really big problem?”

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On betting’s biggest day, a new scandal puts the sports world on edge
As millions of Americans raced to fill out brackets and place wagers on teenage basketball players Thursday, another scandal amplified calls for the country’s booming sports-betting industry to be restrained - and reformed.

The Los Angeles Dodgers fired Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter Wednesday night, after the translator told ESPN that Ohtani paid off the interpreter’s offshore gambling debts and as Ohtani’s lawyer told another story, accusing the translator of stealing roughly $4.5 million.

Subscribe to The Post Most newsletter for the most important and interesting stories from The Washington Post.

While fans sorted through the ramifications and Ohtani played on in the Dodgers’ season-opening series in Seoul, experts and amateurs alike joined office pools and placed wagers on the first round of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, the country’s closest thing to an official sports betting holiday.

Players, leagues and fans have been reckoning with the still-unfolding effects of sports gambling since a Supreme Court ruling handed the question of legalization to states in 2018. Each constituency may be arriving at the realization those impacts have mushroomed beyond anyone’s control.

“The amount of money is so enormous that it is almost impossible to attack the problem,” former MLB commissioner Fay Vincent said in a phone interview Thursday. “Theoretically, there’s nothing wrong with an adult who has control of his brain and control of his financial situation betting on sports. The problem is, the sport itself gets so caught up in the amount of money that I don’t know how a professional sport or the NCAA or anybody - how do you draw up a code of conduct for an individual? What’s the line? When do we start admitting this is a really big problem?”

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Гость Richardcinge


Emily Ratajkowski’s latest flex? Divorce rings
обменять биткоин

Diamonds are forever – especially for Emily Ratajkowski, who has chosen to turn her engagement ring into something entirely new following her split from her film producer husband, Sebastian Bear-McClard.

With the help of Alison Chemla, creative director of jewelry brand Alison Lou, Ratajkowski worked to remake her old engagement ring, which featured a pear-shaped and a princess-cut diamond, into two separate rings.
“The rings represent my own personal evolution,” the model told Vogue. “I don’t think a woman should be stripped of her diamonds just because she’s losing a man.”

Now, the pear-shaped diamond sits on Ratajkowski’s pinkie finger, while the princess cut has been flanked by more trapezoid stones and turned into a new sparkler.

Ratajkowski went on to explain that she got the idea after reading Stephanie Danler’s story “The Unravelers” in The Paris Review.

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A high-altitude tunnel is latest flashpoint in India-China border tensions
обменник криптовалют

A tunnel constructed high in the mountains of northeastern India has become the latest flashpoint in a simmering border dispute between New Delhi and Beijing.

The Sela Tunnel, inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month, has been hailed in India as a feat of engineering – blasted through the Himalayas at an elevation of some 13,000 feet (3,900 meters) – and a boon for the military, enabling faster, “all-weather” access to a tense de facto border with China.

That’s caught the attention of Beijing, whose long-running dispute with New Delhi over their contested 2,100-mile (3,379-kilometer) border has seen the two nuclear-armed powers clash in recent years.

That includes in 2020 when hand-to-hand fighting between the two sides resulted in the deaths of at least 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers in Aksai Chin-Ladakh in the western stretches of the border.

And, decades ago, the dispute led to war.

China also claims the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, where the tunnel was constructed, as its own, even as the area has long functioned as Indian territory.

Chinese officials in recent days have slammed the tunnel project and Modi’s visit to the state, accusing New Delhi of taking steps to undermine peace along the border.

“We require the Indian side to cease any action that may complicate the boundary question … the Chinese military remains highly vigilant and will resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” a Defense Ministry spokesperson said last week, using the Chinese name “Zangnan” or South Tibet to refer to Arunachal Pradesh.

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Гость Richardcinge


Emily Ratajkowski’s latest flex? Divorce rings

Diamonds are forever – especially for Emily Ratajkowski, who has chosen to turn her engagement ring into something entirely new following her split from her film producer husband, Sebastian Bear-McClard.

With the help of Alison Chemla, creative director of jewelry brand Alison Lou, Ratajkowski worked to remake her old engagement ring, which featured a pear-shaped and a princess-cut diamond, into two separate rings.
“The rings represent my own personal evolution,” the model told Vogue. “I don’t think a woman should be stripped of her diamonds just because she’s losing a man.”

Now, the pear-shaped diamond sits on Ratajkowski’s pinkie finger, while the princess cut has been flanked by more trapezoid stones and turned into a new sparkler.

Ratajkowski went on to explain that she got the idea after reading Stephanie Danler’s story “The Unravelers” in The Paris Review.

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A high-altitude tunnel is latest flashpoint in India-China border tensions
обменять биткоин

A tunnel constructed high in the mountains of northeastern India has become the latest flashpoint in a simmering border dispute between New Delhi and Beijing.

The Sela Tunnel, inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month, has been hailed in India as a feat of engineering – blasted through the Himalayas at an elevation of some 13,000 feet (3,900 meters) – and a boon for the military, enabling faster, “all-weather” access to a tense de facto border with China.

That’s caught the attention of Beijing, whose long-running dispute with New Delhi over their contested 2,100-mile (3,379-kilometer) border has seen the two nuclear-armed powers clash in recent years.

That includes in 2020 when hand-to-hand fighting between the two sides resulted in the deaths of at least 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers in Aksai Chin-Ladakh in the western stretches of the border.

And, decades ago, the dispute led to war.

China also claims the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, where the tunnel was constructed, as its own, even as the area has long functioned as Indian territory.

Chinese officials in recent days have slammed the tunnel project and Modi’s visit to the state, accusing New Delhi of taking steps to undermine peace along the border.

“We require the Indian side to cease any action that may complicate the boundary question … the Chinese military remains highly vigilant and will resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” a Defense Ministry spokesperson said last week, using the Chinese name “Zangnan” or South Tibet to refer to Arunachal Pradesh.

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