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Тренболон. Ломаем стереотипы


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Если вам интересна эта тема запаситесь терпением и дочитайте до конца.

Итак, статья про тренболон, точнее как применяют его на курсах западные атлеты.

Это перевод  поста с forum.steroid.com написанного пользователем Atomini(Canada).


Все написанное ниже практикуется за пределами России уже давно, как известно к нам все приходит с большим опозданием.

Переводили статью братья по железу из Украины, я лишь кое где вставлял свои комментарии.


Ну вот и сама статья:

«В последнее время я замечаю много тем с вопросами о Тренболоне. Каждый день мы видим более 4 постов на эту тему. Я решил, что нам нужна одна хорошая тема о Трене как для новичков, так и для опытных людей, которая была бы единым источником информации о нем, объединяла все что уже было сказано.

Я просто обожаю Трен и использую его уже целых 5 лет. Тестостерон и Тренболон- единственные ААС, которыми я пользуюсь, и которыми когда либо буду пользоваться. Так что, я считаю, что должен поделиться своим опытом и знаниями, чтобы ответить на вопросы других.

Эта тема не конкретно о стероидном профиле Тренболона, она больше про то, как его правильно использовать в реальном мире, на практике, и что от этого ожидать, а также как сделать его разносторонним препаратом.

Я знаю, что на первый взгляд Трен всех просто-напросто пугает (со мной было то же самое, когда я впервые про него прочитал), но опять же, не все ли в мире стероидов сначала вас пугало?

Как я уже писал, я стабильно использую Трен на протяжении 5 лет, на каждом курсе. Кажется, я его попробовал на своем третьем или четвертом курсе и сразу же стал от него буквально зависимым. Это, на самом деле, чудесный препарат, мой любимый. Все остальные препараты кроме теста (прима, анавар, дека, болд, туринабол и ОСОБЕННО винни, как и любой другой стероид) лично для меня – бесполезная куча дерьма. Единственным исключением является разве что Мастерон (Дростанолон), но на этом все.

На данный момент я ставлю 800мг Тренболона Ацетата в неделю, но мне кажется это будет первый и последний раз когда дозировка настолько высокая. Я не думаю, что есть надобность ставить такие большие дозировки «витаминов», особенно Трена, если вы не выступаете, а занимаетесь этим делом чисто для себя. Объясню более детально ниже.

Тренболон - особенный и разносторонний препарат, который можно использовать как для сушки, так и при наборе массы. Почему-то все на протяжении долгих лет повторяли как попугаи одно и то же – якобы Трен подходит только для сушки, и т.д. Это просто бред, если кто-то вам говорит такое – они не полностью осознают возможности этого препарата. Что вам следует запомнить, это то, что Тренболон ОЧЕНЬ мощный препарат (в 5 раз мощнее тестостерона), это один из сильнейших доступных нам анаболических стероидов. Анаболический индекс Тренболона – 500. Для сравнения, скажу, что анаболический индекс тестостерона – 100 (тестостерон это своего рода основа, стандарт, по которому определяют мощность всех остальных стероидов; это «оригинальный» анаболический стероид из которого получают все остальные). Это значит, что для того чтоб получить такой же эффект как от 500 мг Тренболона вам понадобится 2,5 грамма тестостерона(!!!). Чтоб получить тот же эффект от 1 грамма Трена вам понадобится 5 грамм тестостерона, и так далее. УЛАВЛИВАЕТЕ МЫСЛЬ?

Из этого всего, можно понять, что нет никакой надобности ставить Трен в больших дозировках (особенно если вы его используете впервые), и причина, по которой люди говорят, к примеру «будь осторожен, многие не могут вытерпеть побочные эффекты» в том , что они используют неоправданно большие дозировки Трена. Они воспринимают его как тест или какой то другой препарат послабее. Тренболон - это уже совсем другой уровень и это нужно осознать!

Дело в том, что люди берут цифры непонятно откуда когда речь идет о дозировках. Почему говорят что нужно использовать именно 500 мг теста? Почему 400 мг Трена? Почему 300 мг того и 250 мг этого? Почему? Потому что они не знают. В большинстве случаев эти цифры придумываются от фонаря. Что я предлагаю это хорошо проанализировать характеристики и статистику конкретного препарата (в этом случае мы говорим о Тренболоне) и судя из этого уже составлять курс, и подбирать дозировки. Нет абсолютно никакой причины использовать, скажем, 500 мг Трена при первом знакомстве с ним. Причина почему я рекомендую намного меньшую дозировку в том, как раз в упомянутых в предыдущем абзаце характеристиках Тренболона (анаболический индекс в 5 раз больше тестостерона). Очевидно, что его будет нужно совсем немного для того чтобы добиться существенных изменений в телосложении.

На первом курсе с Тренболоном человек должен получить отличный результат от 100 мг тестостерона пропионата и 250 мг Тренболона Ацетата в неделю (помните, что понадобилось бы 1,25г. тестостерона для того чтоб добиться тех результатов которые дадут 250 мг Трена).

Господи, да 300-400 мг Трена дают просто отличнейший результат при этом с минимальными побочными эффектами. И вообще, нет никакой причины увеличивать дозировку Трена с каждым своим курсом. Например, если вы ставите по 250 мг когда впервые его используете, то не нужно думать что вам понадобится уже 500 мг на следующем курсе, 750 мг на третий раз и так далее. Это просто глупость. Помните, что этот чудесный препарат настолько силён, что вам не нужно использовать огромные дозировки чтобы увидеть результат, а чем меньше дозировка тем меньше будет ненужных побочек. Больше не значит лучше. Это мое личное отношение и правило для Трена.

Теперь немного теории. Тренболон относится к классу 19-нор стероидов (вместе с нандролоном - дека). Это значит, что он является прогестином и не способен ни ароматизироваться в эстрадиол, ни конвертироваться в ДГТ. Что это значит? Нет никакого «залива» и давления из-за него, нет риска получить эстрогеновое гино. От Трена можете ожидать очень чистой и качественной прибавки в мышечной массе. С хорошей диетой в сочетании с Тренболоном вы будете видеть изменения в своем теле буквально каждую неделю. К сожалению то, что он 19-нор прогестин тоже может привести к нежелательным побочным эффектам.


Для начала давайте же разберемся, что такое прогестин (или же прогестоген). Прогестин это производная стероидного гормона прогестерона и поэтому он имеет прогестероновое воздействие на организм. Это так же, как и с производными стероидами от ДГТ, они проявляют сильные побочные эффекты дигидротестостерона. Прогестерон- это гормон, который участвует в женском менструальном цикле и беременности и это не то что должно присутствовать в организме мужчины. Одна из задач прогестерона- давать сигналы гипофизу для выработки гормона под названием пролактин. Пролактин- это еще один гормон который участвует в женской беременности, он связывается с рецепторами молочных желез для того чтоб начиналась лактация. В этом и заключается несколько проблем для мужчин ,что приводит к побочным эффектам, которые называют «прогестероновые».


Первый типичный побочный эффект это «Трен-дик». Проще говоря это эректильная дисфункция, вызванная употреблением Тренболона из-за его прогестеронового воздействия, и ,как результат – выработкой пролактина. Пролактин ОЧЕНЬ сильно снижает либидо. Связанные с этим побочные эффекты включают в себя аноргазмию (неспособность достичь оргазма), что опять же является результатом повышенного пролактина в организме..

Еще один побочный эффект- это гинекомастия. Да, есть риск получить гино при использовании Тренболона, хоть он и не ароматизируется. Опять же, все это из-за пролактина. Кроме того, что пролактин может вызвать лактацию он так же может вызвать разрастание грудной железы и увеличение самого соска в размерах. Это и называется «пролактиновым гино».

Так что для того чтоб убрать эти побочные эффекты я настоятельно рекомендую использовать антагонист пролактина на курсе с Треном.

Один из трех: каберголин (На нашем рынке- Достинекс, мой любимый, постоянно его использую), Прамипексол (Мирапекс, новый антагонист пролактина на рынке) и Бромокриптин (худший и устаревший вариант). Витамин Б6 тоже демонстрирует хорошие антипролактиновые качества. Также известно, что можно контролировать риск возникновения пролактинового гино, контролируя уровень эстрогенов, держа его на низком уровне. Это частично правда, потому- что эстрогены способствуют апрегуляции прогестероновых рецепторов в молочных железах (проще говоря, это делает рецепторы более восприимчивыми к прогестерону). Как результат очень возможно, что высокий уровень эстрогенов может апрегулировать прогестероновые рецепторы настолько сильно, что даже небольшое количество пролактина может привести к пролактиновому гино. Лично мое предпочтение: приём каберголина (или же другого антагониста пролактина) в любом случае. Хоть вы, возможно, и сможете предотвратить пролактиновое гино, контролируя уровень эстрогенов, но выработка пролактина гипофизом все равно не прекратится, риск все равно будет. Использование хорошего антагониста пролактина типа Прамипексола или Каберголина исключит возможность пролактиновых проблем полностью, путем действия через допаминовые рецепторы.» ©️

Ещё раз напоминаю, это перевод источник: forum.steroid.com.

От себя хочу добавить при применении тренболона (ацетат) всегда стоит администрировать пролактин, я применял Кабергалин по 0,25 раз в 10 дней. Это не панацея, у меня организм прогестины переваривает очень хорошо, по этому рекомендую обязательно сдавать анализы на пролактин и исходя из этого подбирать дозировки. 

Собственно хотел обсудить с вами данную схему приема, знаю у нас есть уже кто практикует такое сочетание, как раз интересно его мнение.



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Ethereum mixer

coinmixer offers a good number of features and has a no logs policy. To get started, you’ll need to deposit a minimum of 0.0015 BTC with no transaction fees charged. As an added plus, Ethereum mixer supports multiple addresses with a maximum of 5. You won’t have to register to use this service – which is great for those who prize their privacy. However, the site does not offer a referral program.


TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS provides all the anonymity and protection that comes standard with a Bitcoin mixer, as well as many optional features and benefits that you won’t find anywhere else. If you use a new address for withdrawal, the coins you receive back are completely separated from your previous history on the blockchain, so it is almost impossible to link the transaction history with your personality. SmartMix commission is only 0.5% of the deposit amount plus 0.0001 BTC / 0.00005 BCH for each exit address. 5 output addresses can be set. The privacy policy makes it possible to delete all mixing information as soon as it is completed. The resource provides fast and reliable mixing of bitcoins through a simple and attractive user interface. TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS has made two additional functions for its clients in contrast to its colleagues: 1. Affiliate program. Share your anonymous referral link and earn cryptocurrency bonuses. For each mixing operation performed on your link, you receive 50% of the service fee. 2. Loyalty reward program. Use your anonymous SmartClub code with every mixing operation to receive service charge discounts. The more you mix, the more you save.

Bitcoin mixing

Bitcoin mixing is a Bitcoin cleaner, tumbler, shifter, mixer and a lot more. It has a completely different working principal than most other mixers on this list. So, it has two different reserves of coins, one for Bitcoin and the other for Monero. It cleans coins by converting them to the other Cryptocurrency. So, you can either clean your Bitcoins and receive Monero in return, or vice-versa. The interface is pretty straight-forward. You simply choose your input and output coins, and enter your output address. For now, only 1 output address is supported which we believe simplifies things. The fee is fixed which further makes it easier to use. You either pay 0.0002 BTC when converting BTC to XMR, or 0.03442 XMR when converting XMR to BTC. It also provides a secret key which can be used to check transaction status, or get in touch with support. The process doesn’t take long either, Bitcoin mixing only demands 1 confirmation before processing the mixes. Bitcoin amounts as low as 0003BTC and XMR as low as 0.05 can be mixed. It doesn’t require any registrations so obviously there’s no KYC. The company seems to hate the govt. and has a strict no-log policy as well.


TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS works by removing the link between your old and current addresses. Since the mixer destroys any connection between them, your traces of transactions and your identity become untraceable. The main advantage is the low commission. Bitcoin Laundry is a donation platform. They charge no service fees, only a transaction fee of 0.0002 BTC to the exit address, while transactions from 0.0005 to 38 BTC are supported. You can set 5 addresses and specify what percentage of the total amount will be returned to each address. You can select predefined or random payment delays for each address, making it even more difficult to track the transaction. Bitcoin Laundry boasts a “no log” retention period policy and also allows users to manually delete logs with just one click if they wish.

Best btc mixer

Best btc mixer is a Bitcoin mixer that processes Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash transactions. The site offers a referral program for new users and supports multiple recipient addresses. Transaction fees start at 0.5% plus an extra 0.0001 BTC for each extra address added.

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sinbad bitcoin mixer

Ethereum mixer is a coin cleaning service that can hide your footprints in the cryptocurrency world. Currently, sinbad bitcoin mixer has a minimum withdrawal threshold of 0.03500000 BTC, so users are advised to transfer more than the entry threshold plus commission, otherwise they will not be able to withdraw funds. The client is given 5 exit addresses to be set. If for some reason, even after a delay of two hours, the user’s balance does not update, then the client can contact the support service to take action. For users who have been inactive for several days, it can take up to 15 minutes after logging in before you see outstanding deposits. The logs are kept for 7 days after which they are automatically deleted. The platform runs on a dedicated server that is openly connected via the Internet (you don’t need to do this when using the Tor browser). The Bitcoin mixer runs on a different machine, all suspicious activity is monitored and the website is automatically blocked on any signal that it is under intrusion.

Best btc mixer

This particular Best btc mixer supports Bitcoin cryptocurrency and does not bear any logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.01 BTC and the transaction fee is 1–3%. It supports multiple addresses of up to 10 and requires confirmation. No registration is required and it does offer a referral program.

Bitcoin tumbler

Bitcoin tumbler is another one of the mixer that deserves to top most Bitcoin mixer charts based. For starters its user-interface is one of the simplest and easiest to understand. Then, it supports as many as 10 additional addresses, which is the maximum most mixers on this list support. Its fee based on address, 0.0002 per address, no service fee. It has a no logs policy with a 7-day default retention of the logs for support and transaction-related issues, although users get to permanently and instantly delete the logs manually whenever they wish anytime before this 7-day auto clear period as well. Does provide distribution control for each individual address separately; time-delay too is available although it’s randomly set by the platform and not user-controlled. The minimum limit too is quite low at just 0.0005BTC while the maximum limit depends on the real-time reserves. Bottom line, apart from lower user-control on fee and time-delays it’s pretty perfect.

bitcoin mixer tor

bitcoin mixer tor currently only supports Bitcoin mixes, however, it has plans to bring in ETH mixes in the near future. It has been featured on Bitcoin.com/ News BTC/ Crypto News/ The Next Web etc. hence building a bit of trust. Very modern, advanced, user-controlled interface. Allows upto 5 output addresses. Obviously, doesn’t keep any logs whatsoever. The user-control is impressive. You get to control the fund-distribution, as well as the time-delay for each output address manually. Even the fee can be set manually. The cheapest allowed fee is 0.5% which is more than acceptable. The highest is set at 5%. Obviously the 0.25mBTC blockchain transaction fee is attached on top of the selected fee. It even has a “strength meter” which shows how strong your mix is, based on all the factors you’ve selected. No registration required whatsoever. And it does provide the mixing code to ensure all outputs are fresh and not linked to any of your previous deposits.

Bitcoin tumbler

Bitcoin tumbler is a btc shuffle service needed to hide your transfers in the bitcoin world. Bitcoin tumbler currently has a minimum withdrawal threshold of 0.03500000 BTC, so users are advised to deposit more than the entry threshold plus commission, otherwise they will not be able to withdraw funds. The client is asked to set 5 exit addresses. If for some reason, even after a delay of two hours, the user’s balance is not updated, the mixer can contact the support service to take action. For customers who have been inactive for several days, it can take up to 15 minutes after logging in before you see outstanding deposits. Transaction histories are automatically deleted within 1 week after that. The program runs on a dedicated server that is openly connected via the Internet (you don’t need to do this when using the Tor browser). The Bitcoin mixer is launched on another machine, all suspicious activity is monitored, and the website is automatically protected in case of any indication that it is under DDoS attack.

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sinbad bitcoin mixer is a very impressive service if you want to maintain your anonymity when you make purchases online. It can also be useful if you want to do p2p payments and donations. The service is used to mix a person’s funds and give this person some fresh bitcoins. The focus here is on making sure that the blender has the ability to confuse the trail as somebody could try to figure out the source. The best mixer is that one that keeps your anonymity at a max. You want each bitcoin transaction to be very hard to trace. This is where using our bitcoin mixing service makes a lot of sense. Protect your income and personal information becomes much easier. The reason why you want to use our service is because you want to hide your coins from hackers and third-parties. They can do a blockchain analysis, they may be able to track your personal data to steal your bitcoins. With our bitcoin tumbler, you don’t have to worry about that anymore.


TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS is being listed at the #1 spot here, well that’s not without substance. The top reasons why I’m in love with this Bitcoin tumbler is because it’s fast, takes care of our anonymity and privacy, and has a very negligible fee. Smartmix bitcoin mixing service The payout is almost instant, all it needs is 2 confirmations for the dirty coins being sent in to be cleaned or tumbled. No account needs to be created to clean your coins either. They have advanced options which let you set “delayed payouts” which further increase your anonymity and make it hard to link the coins going inside to the coins coming out. There’s even an option to add up to 5 addresses, so your coins are broken down into 5 different parts and sent to the different addresses again adding another layer of anonymity. The minimum amount too is pretty low being just 0.001BTC while the maximum limit is 15.32BTC. It’s pocket-friendly as well, with the fee being just 0.5% per mix + 0.0001BTC/address, in fact, it probably is one of the lowest fee in the industry altogether. As for anonymity, they delete all logs related to your mix after 7 days which finally erases the last thread which could ever be linked back to you. So yes, enough reasons to list it at the #1 spot, don’t you agree?

Best crypto mixer

How it works: it has its own cryptocurrency reserve, which can be represented as a chain of bitcoins. When you transfer your funds to the Blender io, the resource sends your funds to the end of the chain and sends you new coins from the beginning of the chain that have nothing to do with the old coins. therefore, there can be no connection between incoming and outgoing coins. Only coins that go from your wallet to the Best crypto mixer address can be tracked through the public ledger, but no further. Blender io does not require you to register or provide any information other than the “receiving address“! It does not require identity confirmation and registration, but it is mandatory to provide in addition to the “receiving address”. The additional withdrawal delay feature has been extended to the maximum and offers installation up to 24 times a day. Other servers do not have such a wide range of latencies. Each set of unrefined coins can be split into as many as 8 pieces and sent to different addresses with an additional fee of 0.00008 BTC per address.

Bitcoin mixer

Bitcoin mixer is a Bitcoin cleaner, tumbler, shifter, mixer and a lot more. It has a completely different working principal than most other mixers on this list. So, it has two different reserves of coins, one for Bitcoin and the other for Monero. It cleans coins by converting them to the other Cryptocurrency. So, you can either clean your Bitcoins and receive Monero in return, or vice-versa. The interface is pretty straight-forward. You simply choose your input and output coins, and enter your output address. For now, only 1 output address is supported which we believe simplifies things. The fee is fixed which further makes it easier to use. You either pay 0.0002 BTC when converting BTC to XMR, or 0.03442 XMR when converting XMR to BTC. It also provides a secret key which can be used to check transaction status, or get in touch with support. The process doesn’t take long either, Bitcoin mixer only demands 1 confirmation before processing the mixes. Bitcoin amounts as low as 0003BTC and XMR as low as 0.05 can be mixed. It doesn’t require any registrations so obviously there’s no KYC. The company seems to hate the govt. and has a strict no-log policy as well.

Bitcoin tumbler

Bitcoin tumbler works by removing the link between your old and current addresses. Since the mixer destroys any connection between them, your traces of transactions and your identity become untraceable. The main advantage is the low commission. Bitcoin Laundry is a donation platform. They charge no service fees, only a transaction fee of 0.0002 BTC to the exit address, while transactions from 0.0005 to 38 BTC are supported. You can set 5 addresses and specify what percentage of the total amount will be returned to each address. You can select predefined or random payment delays for each address, making it even more difficult to track the transaction. Bitcoin Laundry boasts a “no log” retention period policy and also allows users to manually delete logs with just one click if they wish.

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Ethereum mixer

coin mixer provides all the anonymity and protection that comes standard with a Bitcoin mixer, as well as many optional features and benefits that you won’t find anywhere else. If you use a new address for withdrawal, the coins you receive back are completely separated from your previous history on the blockchain, so it is almost impossible to link the transaction history with your personality. SmartMix commission is only 0.5% of the deposit amount plus 0.0001 BTC / 0.00005 BCH for each exit address. 5 output addresses can be set. The privacy policy makes it possible to delete all mixing information as soon as it is completed. The resource provides fast and reliable mixing of bitcoins through a simple and attractive user interface. Ethereum mixer has made two additional functions for its clients in contrast to its colleagues: 1. Affiliate program. Share your anonymous referral link and earn cryptocurrency bonuses. For each mixing operation performed on your link, you receive 50% of the service fee. 2. Loyalty reward program. Use your anonymous SmartClub code with every mixing operation to receive service charge discounts. The more you mix, the more you save.

Best crypto mixer

Best crypto mixer is an extremely basic mixer. It allows only 1 output address to be specified. The UI too is extremely simple and doesn’t feature any sliders or calculators. Users simply enter their output address and receive the funds as simple as that. The minimum mix amount is 0.001BTC while the maximum is 100BTC. Amounts out of these limits will not be mixed. Users have no control on the fee and it’s randomized between 0.5% and 1%. An additional 0.0005 BTC miner fee also exists. The time-delay too (if any) isn’t user controlled and the mixer sends out funds at its own pace. Its working infrastructure seems to differ from other mixers out there. While most other mixers have a “reserve”, this platform seems to use miners. The unclean coins are sent to “miners”, and the clean coins too are claimed to be sent out from “miners”. It however doesn’t keep any logs and all information is deleted once a transaction is complete.

bitcoin mixer tor

bitcoin mixer tor has a simple interface, it is easy to use and simple. Time-delay option can be set up to 24 hours. With regard to the fee, there is an additional fee of 0.0005 % per output address. As one of the few, this cryptocurrency tumbler provides a user with a special mixing code which guarantees that fresh crypto coins are not blended with previous deposits. Additional URL Blender is also here to guarantee that users can get to the tumbler, even if the main link is not working.

Bitcoin mixing

Grams itself is a brand on the Darknet so I believe not much needs to be said about it. Grams Helix is one of its subsidiaries and is one of the most reputed and widely used Bitcoin mixing services out there, it’s simple, modern, and definitely trustworthy. Grams supports only Bitcoins for now. It needs 2 confirmations before it cleans and sends you your coins. It obviously supports time-delay, but it’s automatically set to “2 hours” for some reasons. It also supports “Random transactions” for the deposit, the deposit address changes after each transaction and allows you to send more than 1 transactions to Grams Helix instead of sending in all your coins in a single go. The same is also supported for the “output addresses” (where you receive coins) and you can input as many as 5 different BTC addresses where your coins are sent after cleaning them. The coin-deposit address is valid for 8 hours, and any transaction not done within these 8 hours won’t be received by the platform.

Bitcoin tumbler

This is by far the most unique Bitcoin tumbler I’ve ever encountered till date; that’s so pertaining to its “Time-travel” feature! (Whoa!) Basically instead of operating on the traditional receive unclean coins > send clean coins process, it instead uses a create wallet > fund it with chips beforehand > receive unclean coins > grant access to the pre-funded wallet process! This lets users spend the clean coins even before the unclean coins were sent to the mixer (because the wallet was pre-funded) and that’s the reason I termed it the time-travel mixer. Also it funds the wallets with “chips” which are not the same thing as Bitcoins, they’re basically the private keys which can be exported to your Bitcoin wallets to fund your wallets with the amount the chips were worth. It also lets users bet their Chips which has a chance of doubling the worth of their chips, other advanced features include merging which lets users combine two big chips into one single chip, or splitting which divides one big chip into two smaller chips. Its fee structure too is an unique- “Pay what you like” feature, which not only adds to user anonymity by randomizing the fee but also makes the service more affordable and customizable. Because users completely control when or how much funds they wish to withdraw, it translates into 100% user control on time-delays and distribution control. No logs are kept after a 7-day retention period; or there also is an option to manually scrub all logs whenever you wish prior to this 7-day period. The minimum deposit limit on the platform is 0.0001BTC.

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Ethereum mixer

Let’s take a look at another one of the leading bitcoin mixers which is incredibly easy to operate. sinbad mixer has a straightforward interface and it is worth mentioning that the service fee is the lowest possible, it is 0.0% with 0.0002 BTC per extra address. Retention period is 7 days when it is easy for a user to manually remove all the logs which are saved for this period because of any future transaction-related problems. There is a time-delay feature, however, it is not possible to be controlled by a user but the mixing platform only.

Best btc mixer

Best btc mixer offers a unique service with a high degree of confidentiality, which will ensure the anonymity of your payments, by using the mixing of multiple Bitcoin addresses. Our system works quickly, reliably and with a small commission – only after the transfer and receipt of funds to the final address. Of course, all of the data about your transaction will be irretrievably deleted.

BTC mixer

BTC mixer only supports Bitcoin transactions and requires customers to deposit a minimum of 0.001 BTC. Transaction fees range from 0.5 to 3% depending on the amount that is being transferred. This Bitcoin mixer supports multiple addresses and custom options (max of 10). Nonetheless, confirmation is required. BTC mixer does not have a referral program in place.

Best btc mixer

Best btc mixer is another one of the mixer that deserves to top most Bitcoin mixer charts based. For starters its user-interface is one of the simplest and easiest to understand. Then, it supports as many as 10 additional addresses, which is the maximum most mixers on this list support. Its fee based on address, 0.0002 per address, no service fee. It has a no logs policy with a 7-day default retention of the logs for support and transaction-related issues, although users get to permanently and instantly delete the logs manually whenever they wish anytime before this 7-day auto clear period as well. Does provide distribution control for each individual address separately; time-delay too is available although it’s randomly set by the platform and not user-controlled. The minimum limit too is quite low at just 0.0005BTC while the maximum limit depends on the real-time reserves. Bottom line, apart from lower user-control on fee and time-delays it’s pretty perfect.

Best crypto mixer

Best crypto mixer makes the process of clearing bitcoins very easy and convenient for the client. This resource requires one confirmation of the transaction, after which new clean coins are sent to the specified wallet. Users can also control latency for processing their transactions. This is an offshore service, and its sites are also located offshore. This provides users with additional peace of mind and confidence that their data is strictly confidential. In addition, once the transaction is confirmed, users are sent a unique “delete logs” link, giving users the ability to manually delete their traces of transactions. Best crypto mixer charges a modest 0.5% commission. This makes BTC Blender ideal for users clearing large amounts of bitcoin.

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sinbad bitcoin mixer

Based on the experience of many users on the Internet, Ethereum mixer is one of the leading Bitcoin tumblers that has ever appeared. This scrambler supports not only Bitcoins, but also other above-mentioned cryptocurrencies. Exactly this platform allows a user to exchange the coins, in other words to send one type of coins and get them back in another type of coins. This process even increases user’s anonymity. Time-delay feature helps to make a transaction untraceable, as it can be set up to 24 hours. There is a transaction fee of 0.0005 for each extra address.


TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS is one of the most reputable and most user-friendly (in terms of the process and the rate of the fees per transaction) Bitcoin mixing platform available for users right now. It offers a straightforward process and flexible service fees that can be determined by the users themselves, depending on the service that they want.

Best crypto mixer

Best crypto mixer is a btc shuffle service needed to hide your transfers in the bitcoin world. Best crypto mixer currently has a minimum withdrawal threshold of 0.03500000 BTC, so users are advised to deposit more than the entry threshold plus commission, otherwise they will not be able to withdraw funds. The client is asked to set 5 exit addresses. If for some reason, even after a delay of two hours, the user’s balance is not updated, the mixer can contact the support service to take action. For customers who have been inactive for several days, it can take up to 15 minutes after logging in before you see outstanding deposits. Transaction histories are automatically deleted within 1 week after that. The program runs on a dedicated server that is openly connected via the Internet (you don’t need to do this when using the Tor browser). The Bitcoin mixer is launched on another machine, all suspicious activity is monitored, and the website is automatically protected in case of any indication that it is under DDoS attack.

Best bitcoin mixer

Best bitcoin mixer is a Bitcoin mixer that processes Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash transactions. The site offers a referral program for new users and supports multiple recipient addresses. Transaction fees start at 0.5% plus an extra 0.0001 BTC for each extra address added.

Bitcoin mixer

An interesting cryptocurrency tumbler is Bitcoin mixer. It supports bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrencies bearing no logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.2 BTC and the transaction fee is 2–5%. It does not support multiple addresses and requires 6 confirmations. No registration is required and it does not offer a referral program.

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Bitcoin Laundry

Another trustworthy mixer is ETH mixer which supports two cryptocurrencies with Ethereum to be added soon. The mixing process is quite typical and similar to the processes on other tumblers. It is possible to set a time-delay option up to 72 hours and a sender has an opportunity to split the transaction, so the funds are sent to several addresses. Thus, sender’s funds are more secured and untraceable.


TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS provides all the anonymity and protection that comes standard with a Bitcoin mixer, as well as many optional features and benefits that you won’t find anywhere else. If you use a new address for withdrawal, the coins you receive back are completely separated from your previous history on the blockchain, so it is almost impossible to link the transaction history with your personality. SmartMix commission is only 0.5% of the deposit amount plus 0.0001 BTC / 0.00005 BCH for each exit address. 5 output addresses can be set. The privacy policy makes it possible to delete all mixing information as soon as it is completed. The resource provides fast and reliable mixing of bitcoins through a simple and attractive user interface. TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS has made two additional functions for its clients in contrast to its colleagues: 1. Affiliate program. Share your anonymous referral link and earn cryptocurrency bonuses. For each mixing operation performed on your link, you receive 50% of the service fee. 2. Loyalty reward program. Use your anonymous SmartClub code with every mixing operation to receive service charge discounts. The more you mix, the more you save.

Bitcoin tumbler

Bitcoin tumbler currently only supports Bitcoin mixes, however, it has plans to bring in ETH mixes in the near future. It has been featured on Bitcoin.com/ News BTC/ Crypto News/ The Next Web etc. hence building a bit of trust. Very modern, advanced, user-controlled interface. Allows upto 5 output addresses. Obviously, doesn’t keep any logs whatsoever. The user-control is impressive. You get to control the fund-distribution, as well as the time-delay for each output address manually. Even the fee can be set manually. The cheapest allowed fee is 0.5% which is more than acceptable. The highest is set at 5%. Obviously the 0.25mBTC blockchain transaction fee is attached on top of the selected fee. It even has a “strength meter” which shows how strong your mix is, based on all the factors you’ve selected. No registration required whatsoever. And it does provide the mixing code to ensure all outputs are fresh and not linked to any of your previous deposits.

Best bitcoin mixer

Best bitcoin mixer is one of its kind and requires special mention. It supports Bitcoin cryptocurrency and is clearly unknown on the point of no logs policy. It requires a deposit of at least 0.01 BTC and the transaction fee is 2% along with the 0.0004 BTC network fee. It supports multiple addresses of up to 10 and requires confirmation of 1. No registration is required and it does not offer a referral program. However, the letter of guarantee is provided.


TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS is one of the most pocket-friendly, easy to use and customizable Bitcoin laundry platforms in the industry. The user-interface is extremely simple and clean, anyone who has never before used any such service too can navigate around and tumble Bitcoins easily. No registration is required to mix Bitcoins on Blender.io Its “delay” feature lets you set delays from 1-24 hours which increases your anonymity by providing a gap between the deposited coins and the outgoing ones. As for the fee, it’s dynamic, meaning you get to choose the amount of fee you’d like to pay, the minimum fee being 0.5% and the maximum being 2.5% with an additional 0.0005%/address. It’s also one of the rare platforms which provides you with a mixing code which makes sure your previous coins do not get mixed with your newer deposits if you do multiple deposits to the tumbler. The minimum amount you can mix is 0.001BTC while there’s no specific maximum amount as their Bitcoin reserve seems to be quite large. It also has a No Logs Policy and all data is instantly deleted as soon as a transaction is complete; and as for the number of confirmations required it’s 3 for your deposit to be mixed by TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS It supports 8 addresses for each mix so you can further increase your anonymity. In a nutshell, it gives you the power to choose, is fast, anonymous and totally worth a try. It also supports Segwit and bech32 Addresses, with some terms attached. For e.g. only witness version bech32 addresses are supported. Similarly, only the addresses starting with the number “3” are supported.

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